Long Exhalation Pranayama Video

Long Exhalation Pranayama Video

In this Ayurveda pranayama video, you will be led through a 13 minute Long Exhalation Pranayama or 1:2 breathing practice. When we inhale, we energize our body, mind and nervous system. Whereas when we exhale, we calm our body, mind and nervous system. Therefore our long exhalation pranayama can help us to calm feelings of fear, worry and anxiety. Now press play on the video and follow along as you are led through the Ayurvedic pranayama technique of Long Exhalation pranayama or 1:2 breathing.

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Lunar Pranayama Video

Lunar Pranayama Video

In this Ayurveda pranayama video, you will be led through a 10 minute Lunar Pranayama breathing practice. This breathing practice is used in Ayurveda when people are experiencing insomnia, sleeplessness & sleep difficulties. The left side of our body is considered the lunar or feminine side of our bodies. Lunar pranayama relaxes the body, mind, and spirit. Now press play on the video and follow along as you are led through the Ayurvedic pranayama technique of Lunar pranayama or left-nostril breathing.

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Sushumna Pranayama Video

Sushumna Pranayama Video

In this Ayurveda pranayama video, you will be led through a 12 minute Sushumna Pranayama breathing practice. The Sushumna breathing practice is centered in the spine. To practice Sushumna pranayama, you inhale and silently say the word SO and feel the breath move up the spine. And on the exhalation you will silently say HUM and feel the breath move down the spine. The breathing practice of Sushumna Pranayama is designed to bring balance to the body, mind and spirit. Now press play on the video and follow along as you are led through the Ayurvedic pranayama technique of Sushumna pranayama or spinal breath.

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Bhramari Pranayama Video

Bhramari Pranayama Video

In this Ayurveda pranayama video, you will be led through a 10 minute Bhramari Pranayama breathing practice. Bhramari pranayama is used most often when people are experiencing the emotions of fear, worry, anxiety, and nervousness. Bhramari means “bumblebee.” This breathing practice is named after the bumblebee because of the humming sound you make during the exhalation of this breathing practice. When you practice bhramari breathing, you vibrate the vocal cords and create a resonating sound in the body which works to calm the nervous system and relax the body. Now press play on the video and follow along as you are led through the Ayurvedic pranayama technique of Bhramari pranayama or humming breath.

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Bhastrika Pranayama Video

Bhastrika Pranayama Video

In this Ayurveda pranayama video, you will be led through a 10 minute Bhastrika Pranayama breathing practice. Because bhastrika is a very active and heating practice, it is not recommended for all people. Bhastrika should not be practiced by pregnant or menstruating women, as well as, for people with high blood pressure, heart disease, hernias, gastric ulcers, epilepsy, vertigo, nosebleeds, detached retinas, glaucoma, recent abdominal surgery, and anyone at risk for stroke. People struggling with asthma or chronic bronchitis should only practice bhastrika with a teacher. The pace of the breath is different for each person. However, with time, people often find their speed increases. How fast or slow you practice kapalabhati is not important. The quality of your practice is the most important. Remember there shouldn’t be any straining or forcing when practicing pranayama. We always want to feel peace and ease when we practice. Now press play on the video and follow along as you are led through the Ayurvedic pranayama technique of Bhastrika pranayama or bellows breath.

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Shitali Pranayama Video

Shitali Pranayama Video

In this Ayurveda pranayama video, you will be led through a 11 minute Shitali Pranayama breathing practice. Shitali breathing is considered a cooling or calming form of pranayama. Cooling forms of pranayama like Shitali are generally recommended for pitta dosha and pitta imbalances. To practice Shitali pranayama, you curl the tongue and inhale your breath through the curled tongue like it were a straw. Now not everyone is able to curl their tongue, so don’t be discouraged if this is not possible for you. You can still practice this pranayama by pursing the lips and imagining you are sucking in air through a straw through your pursed lips. Now press play on the video and follow along as you are led through the Ayurvedic pranayama technique of Shitali pranayama or cooling breath.

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Kapalabhati Pranayama Video

Kapalabhati Pranayama Video

In this Ayurveda pranayama video, you will be led through a 12 minute Kapalabhati Pranayama breathing practice. According to Ayurveda, our exhalation is how we releases toxins that have built up in the mind. This means that kapalabhati pranayama helps to cleanse and purify the mind. In fact kapalabhati translates to “skull shining breath” or “that which makes the head shine”. Kapalabhati involves a contraction of the abdominal wall on the exhalation. This works to increase agni or the digestive fire as well as improve digestion. The pace of the breath is different for each person. However, with time, people often find their speed increases. How fast or slow you practice kapalabhati is not important. The quality of your practice is the most important. Remember there shouldn’t be any straining or forcing when practicing pranayama. We always want to feel peace and ease when we practice. Now press play on the video and follow along as you are led through the Ayurvedic pranayama technique of Kapalabhati pranayama or breath of fire.

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Adham Pranayama Video

Adham Pranayama Video

In this Ayurveda pranayama video, you will be led through a 11 minute Adham Pranayama breathing practice. Adham Pranayama or belly breathing is designed to bring our breath out of our upper chest and bring it down to our belly. This form of pranayama is used traditionally in Ayurveda to calm and soothe the body, mind and spirit. It is especially beneficial during times of stress and when feeling anxious and overwhelmed. Think about how often people say, take a deep breath when you are feeling intense emotions. Then think about how those deep breaths, did bring some calm and peace to your mind and psyche. When we practice pranayama, we are learning to harness the vital life force of our breath which works to soothe our body and thus our mind. Now press play on the video and follow along as you are led through the Ayurvedic pranayama technique of Adham pranayama or belly breathing.

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Ujjayi Pranayama Video

Ujjayi Pranayama Video

In this Ayurveda pranayama video, you will be led through a 13 minute Ujjayi Pranayama breathing practice. Ujjayi pranayama is balancing for all dosha, so it can be practiced by anyone. This is considered one of the foundational forms of pranayama since ujjayi breathing is often incorporated into other breathing practices. This form of pranayama is said to bring joy. It calms the mind and relaxes the muscles in the chest. Ujjayi means victorious. It is said that ujjayi pranayama makes you feel victorious after you practice. Now press play on the video and follow along as you are led through the Ayurvedic pranayama technique of Ujjayi pranayama or victorious breathing.

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Prana Pranayama Video

Prana Pranayama Video

In this Ayurveda pranayama video, you will be led through a 12 minute Prana Pranayama breathing practice. Prana Pranayama or the energizing breath is associated with the vital energy of the head and third-eye which governs reception of all types like eating, drinking, breathing, sensory impulses, and mental experiences. Prana breathing is used in Ayurveda to increase the energy of the head, mind, brain, and nervous system. Traditionally it has been used for headaches, brain fog, nervous exhaustion and sinus allergies. Now press play on the video and follow along as you are led through the Ayurvedic pranayama technique of Prana Pranayama or energizing breath.

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Vyana Pranayama Video

Vyana Pranayama Video

In this Ayurveda pranayama video, you will be led through a 12 minute Vyana Pranayama breathing practice. Vyana Pranayama or the expanding breath is associated with the vital energy of the heart and lungs which governs circulation. Vyana breathing is used in Ayurveda to increase the energy of the heart and lungs. Traditionally it has been used to help with circulation as well as benefit the heart and the lungs. Now press play on the video and follow along as you are led through the Ayurvedic pranayama technique of Vyana Pranayama or expanding breath.

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Samana Pranayama Video

Samana Pranayama Video

In this Ayurveda pranayama video, you will be led through a 12 minute Samana Pranayama breathing practice. Samana Pranayama or the centering breath is associated with the vital energy of the navel which governs digestion. Samana breathing is used in Ayurveda to strengthen agni and the action of digestion not only of ahara or food, but also of impressions the mind takes in and the breath the lungs digests. Traditionally it has been used to help people with digestion, absorption, assimilation, transformation and metabolism. Samana Breath is related to digestion not only in the body but also in the mind. Samana Pranayama helps the mind to digest emotions, thoughts, experiences, and sensations. Now press play on the video and follow along as you are led through the Ayurvedic pranayama technique of Samana Pranayama or centering breath.

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Udana Pranayama Video

Udana Pranayama Video

In this Ayurveda pranayama video, you will be led through a 15 minute Udana Pranayama breathing practice. Udana Pranayama or the ascending breath is associated with the vital energy of the throat which governs speech, self-expression, growth of body, ability to stand, effort, enthusiasm and will. Udana breathing is used in Ayurveda to strengthen the throat. It is also associated with the actions of speech and communication. Traditionally it has been used to help people with self-expression, creativity, enthusiasm, and spiritual growth. Now press play on the video and follow along as you are led through the Ayurvedic pranayama technique of Udana Pranayama or ascending breath.

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Apana Pranayama Video

Apana Pranayama Video

In this Ayurveda pranayama video, you will be led through a 15 minute Apana Pranayama breathing practice. Apana Pranayama or the descending breath is associated with the vital energy of the lower abdomen which governs elimination and reproduction; and is the basis of our immune function. Apana Pranayama helps to rid the mind of negative emotions, thoughts, experiences, and sensations. Now press play on the video and follow along as you are led through the Ayurvedic pranayama technique of Apana Pranayama or descending breath.

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Nadi Shodhana Pranayama Video

Nadi Shodhana Pranayama Video

In this Ayurvedic pranayama video, you will be led through a 20 minute Nadi Shodhana breathing practice. Nadi Shodhana is the most important and revered pranayama practice in Ayurveda. It is considered balancing for every dosha because it balances both sides of the body. Now press play on the video and follow along as you are led through the Ayurvedic pranayama technique of Nadi Shodhana pranayama or alternate nostril breathing.

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Pranayama Practice: Sushumna Pranayama (Audio Recording)

Pranayama Practice: Sushumna Pranayama (Audio Recording)

In this Ayurveda pranayama audio recording, you will be led through a 12 minute Sushumna Pranayama breathing practice. This form of pranayama increases Udana or upward moving energy. It also energizes the chakras as the breath moves up the spinal column. Sushumna means “the very blissful.” It is said that sushumna pranayama makes you feel blissful after you practice. The Sushumna breathing practice is centered in the spine. To practice Sushumna pranayama, you inhale and silently say the word SO. And on the exhalation you will silently say HUM. The breathing practice of Sushumna Pranayama is designed to bring balance to the body, mind and spirit. This form of pranayama is used traditionally in Ayurveda to energize the spine, brain, and nerve tissue. Now follow along as you are led through the Ayurveda breathing technique of sushmna pranayama or spinal breath.

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Pranayama Practice: Prana Pranayama (Audio Recording)

Pranayama Practice: Prana Pranayama (Audio Recording)

In this Ayurveda pranayama audio recording, you will be led through a 9 minute Prana Pranayama breathing practice. Prana Pranayama or the energizing breath is associated with the vital energy of the head and third-eye which governs reception of all types like eating, drinking, breathing, sensory impulses, and mental experiences. Prana breathing is used in Ayurveda to increase the energy of the head, mind, brain, and nervous system. Traditionally it has been used for headaches, brain fog, nervous exhaustion and sinus allergies. Now follow along as you are led through the Ayurveda breathing technique of prana pranayama or expanding breath.

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Pranayama Practice: Vyana Pranayama (Audio Recording)

Pranayama Practice: Vyana Pranayama (Audio Recording)

In this Ayurveda pranayama audio recording, you will be led through a 10 minute Vyana Pranayama breathing practice. Vyana Pranayama or the centering breath is associated with the vital energy of the heart and lungs which governs circulation. Vyana breathing is used in Ayurveda to increase the energy of the heart and lungs. Traditionally it has been used to help with circulation as well as benefit the heart and the lungs. Now follow along as you are led through the Ayurveda breathing technique of vyana pranayama or expanding breath.

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Pranayama Practice: Samana Pranayama (Audio Recording)

Pranayama Practice: Samana Pranayama (Audio Recording)

In this Ayurveda pranayama audio recording, you will be led through a 10 minute Samana Pranayama breathing practice. Samana Pranayama or the centering breath is associated with the vital energy of the navel which governs digestion. Samana breathing is used in Ayurveda to strengthen agni and the action of digestion not only of ahara or food, but also of impressions the mind takes in and the breath the lungs digests. Traditionally it has been used to help people with digestion, absorption, assimilation, transformation and metabolism. Samana Breath is related to digestion not only in the body but also in the mind. Samana Pranayama helps the mind to digest emotions, thoughts, experiences, and sensations. Now follow along as you are led through the Ayurveda breathing technique of samana pranayama or centering breath.

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Pranayama Practice: Udana Pranayama (Audio Recording)

Pranayama Practice: Udana Pranayama (Audio Recording)

In this Ayurveda pranayama audio recording, you will be led through a 15 minute Udana Pranayama breathing practice. Udana Pranayama or the ascending breath is associated with the vital energy of the throat which governs speech, self-expression, growth of body, ability to stand, effort, enthusiasm and will. Udana breathing is used in Ayurveda to strengthen the throat. It is also associated with the actions of speech and communication. Traditionally it has been used to help people with self-expression, creativity, enthusiasm, and spiritual growth. Now follow along as you are led through the Ayurveda breathing technique of udana pranayama or ascending breath.

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