Panchakarma Diet

Panchakarma Diet

Traditionally in Ayurveda, when you went through a panchakarma program, you would follow samsarajana krama which translates to “ a graded administration of diet” or a graduated diet. This is to ensure that your agni is increased gradually so that ama doesn’t begin to accumulate.

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Vata Pitta Kapha Dosha Diet

Vata Pitta Kapha Dosha Diet

A vata pitta kapha dosha diet should consist of an abundance of fresh and seasonal vegetables. These vegetables should be mostly cooked and use a variety of spices in your cooking to help increase the food’s digestibility. For balanced tridoshic people, they should follow a vata diet in the fall and early winter, a kapha diet in the late winter and early spring, and a pitta diet in the late spring and summer. For imbalanced tridoshic people, following a sattvic and tridoshic diet plan.

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Diet for Vata Kapha Dosha

Diet for Vata Kapha Dosha

A vata kapha dosha diet should consist of an abundance of fresh and seasonal vegetables. These vegetables should be mostly cooked since vata dosha becomes aggravated by raw vegetables and salads. Be sure to use a variety of spices in your cooking to help increase the food’s digestibility especially with seeded vegetables and fruits.

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Pitta Kapha Dosha Diet

Pitta Kapha Dosha Diet

A pitta kapha dosha diet should consist of an abundance of fresh and seasonal vegetables. These vegetables can be of the bitter and astringent tastes since both pitta and kapha dosha benefit from those tastes. Be sure to use a variety of spices in your cooking to help increase the food’s digestibility. Kapha can handle pungent spices like chili and cayenne, but that is aggravating to pitta, so limit these items in the diet.

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Vata Pitta Dosha Diet

Vata Pitta Dosha Diet

A vata pitta dosha diet should consist of an abundance of fresh and seasonal vegetables in their diet. These vegetables should be mostly cooked since vata dosha becomes aggravated by raw vegetables and salads. Be sure to use a variety of spices in your cooking to help increase the food’s digestibility.

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Mindful Eating

Mindful Eating

So many of us rush through eating. We watch TV, we stand up, we don't pay attention to the act of eating. Ayurveda, yoga's "sister science" stresses the importance of mindful eating because when we don't eat mindfully, our body can't digest properly.

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Ayurvedic Food

Ayurvedic Food

I get asked this question a lot, “what is Ayurvedic food?” In its most simplest terms, Ayurvedic food is food that is filled with prana (life-force); food that is balancing to our dosha or prakruti (unique constitution) and our vikruti (current imbalances); and food that is able to be properly digested by our agni (digestive fire). Everything we eat needs to nourish our body, mind and spirit and this is only possible if our body is able to digest, absorb, assimilate, and transform the nutrients in our food.

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Ayurvedic Eating

Ayurvedic Eating

One of the questions I get a lot is: “How do you in an Ayurvedic way?” There are certain rules or credos that we follow in Ayurveda around eating. Because health begins with digestion, when we properly digest our food, we keep ourselves healthy. Learn about the do’s & don’ts of Ayurvedic eating.

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Ayurvedic Nutrition - Setting Up Your Ayurvedic Pantry

Ayurvedic Nutrition - Setting Up Your Ayurvedic Pantry

In an Ayurvedic household, the spice cabinet is your pharmacy. Everyday kitchen spices have numerous healing benefits to the body, mind and spirit. When people begin cooking an Ayurvedic diet and living an Ayurvedic lifestyle, one of the first things we always recommend, is setting up your Ayurvedic pantry. This allows you to have a great baseline of Ayurvedic foods and spices to cook with in your home kitchen.

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