Kapha Dosha Characteristics

Kapha Dosha Characteristics

Kapha dosha is the dosha of structure, lubrication and immunity. Kapha comes from the Sanskrit word ka meaning “water” and pha meaning “to flourish”. Kapha controls anabolism or the building up of the body including the growth of new cells as well as the cellular repair. Kapha exhibits the qualities of heavy, slow/dull, cool (cold), oily, smooth/slimy, dense, liquid, soft, static, gross, cloudy and sticky. These qualities determine the characteristics of Kapha Dosha and a Kapha individual.

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Pitta Dosha Characteristics

Pitta Dosha Characteristics

Pitta dosha is the dosha of digestion, absorption and assimilation. Pitta comes from the Sanskrit word tapas meaning “to heat.” Pitta controls the digestive and endocrine systems as well as the metabolism. Pitta exhibits the qualities of slightly oily, sharp, hot, light and liquid. These qualities determine the characteristics of Pitta Dosha and a Pitta individual.

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Vata Dosha Characteristics

Vata Dosha Characteristics

Vata dosha is the dosha of movement. Vata comes from the Sanskrit root word meaning “to move.” Vata controls all the movement in our body and in our minds. Vata exhibits the qualities of dry, light, cold, rough, subtle, mobile and clear. These qualities determine the characteristics of Vata Dosha and a Vata individual.

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Ayurveda Kapha

Ayurveda Kapha

Ayurveda Kapha is the dosha of structure, lubrication and immunity. Ayurveda Kapha comes from the Sanskrit word ka meaning “water” and pha meaning “to flourish”. Ayurveda Kapha controls anabolism or the building up of the body including the growth of new cells as well as the cellular repair. Ayurveda Kapha exhibits the qualities of heavy, slow/dull, cool (cold), oily, smooth/slimy, dense, liquid, soft, static, gross, cloudy and sticky. These qualities determine the characteristics of Ayurveda Kapha Dosha and a Kapha individual.

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Ayurveda Pitta

Ayurveda Pitta

Ayurveda Pitta dosha is the dosha of digestion, absorption and assimilation. Ayurveda Pitta comes from the Sanskrit word tapas meaning “to heat.” Ayurveda Pitta controls the digestive and endocrine systems as well as the metabolism. Ayurveda Pitta exhibits the qualities of slightly oily, sharp, hot, light and liquid. These qualities determine the characteristics of Ayurveda Pitta Dosha and a Pitta individual.

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Ayurveda Vata

Ayurveda Vata

Ayurveda Vata dosha is the dosha of movement. Ayurveda Vata comes from the Sanskrit root word meaning “to move.” Ayurveda Vata controls all the movement in our body and in our minds. Ayurveda Vata exhibits the qualities of dry, light, cold, rough, subtle, mobile and clear. These qualities determine the characteristics of Ayurveda Vata Dosha and a Vata individual.

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Dosha Body Type

Dosha Body Type

Each and every one of us is made up of a unique combination of the three dosha of Vata, Pitta and Kapha. The makeup of the three dosha will determine what dosha body type we will have. No one dosha body type is better than another. You are perfect exactly as you are. Knowing your dosha body type allows you to not try and reach unattainable goals for your body.

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Which Dosha Am I?

Which Dosha Am I?

There are three dosha types in Ayurveda: vata, pitta and kapha. The word “dosha” doesn’t have a perfect translation; however, when most people think of what their dosha is, they are thinking of their Prakruti. In Ayurveda, Prakruti refers to your individual inherent nature or constitution that determines your physical, physiological and mental character as well as disease vulnerability. Prakruti is often referred to as your “dosha” or as your “mind/body type.” Read on to answer the question, “which dosha am I?”

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Vata Pitta Kapha Dosha Diet

Vata Pitta Kapha Dosha Diet

A vata pitta kapha dosha diet should consist of an abundance of fresh and seasonal vegetables. These vegetables should be mostly cooked and use a variety of spices in your cooking to help increase the food’s digestibility. For balanced tridoshic people, they should follow a vata diet in the fall and early winter, a kapha diet in the late winter and early spring, and a pitta diet in the late spring and summer. For imbalanced tridoshic people, following a sattvic and tridoshic diet plan.

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Diet for Vata Kapha Dosha

Diet for Vata Kapha Dosha

A vata kapha dosha diet should consist of an abundance of fresh and seasonal vegetables. These vegetables should be mostly cooked since vata dosha becomes aggravated by raw vegetables and salads. Be sure to use a variety of spices in your cooking to help increase the food’s digestibility especially with seeded vegetables and fruits.

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Pitta Kapha Dosha Diet

Pitta Kapha Dosha Diet

A pitta kapha dosha diet should consist of an abundance of fresh and seasonal vegetables. These vegetables can be of the bitter and astringent tastes since both pitta and kapha dosha benefit from those tastes. Be sure to use a variety of spices in your cooking to help increase the food’s digestibility. Kapha can handle pungent spices like chili and cayenne, but that is aggravating to pitta, so limit these items in the diet.

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Vata Pitta Dosha Diet

Vata Pitta Dosha Diet

A vata pitta dosha diet should consist of an abundance of fresh and seasonal vegetables in their diet. These vegetables should be mostly cooked since vata dosha becomes aggravated by raw vegetables and salads. Be sure to use a variety of spices in your cooking to help increase the food’s digestibility.

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Vata Pitta Kapha Dosha

Vata Pitta Kapha Dosha

When someone is told by an Ayurvedic professional that they are a Vata Pitta Kapha dosha, they are telling you that you have an equal or almost equal predominance of Vata, Pitta and Kapha dosha. Each one of us has all three dosha in our bodies, it is just our unique combination that differentiates us. In fact, every person is completely different and no treatment protocol would ever be the same for any two people.

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Vata Kapha Dosha

Vata Kapha Dosha

When someone is told by an Ayurvedic professional that they are a Vata Kapha dosha, they are telling you that you have an equal or almost equal predominance of Vata and of Kapha dosha. Each one of us has all three dosha in our bodies, it is just our unique combination that differentiates us. In fact, every person is completely different and no treatment protocol would ever be the same for any two people.

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Pitta Kapha Dosha

Pitta Kapha Dosha

When someone is told by an Ayurvedic professional that they are a Pitta Kapha dosha, they are telling you that you have an equal or almost equal predominance of Pitta and of Kapha dosha. Each one of us has all three dosha in our bodies, it is just our unique combination that differentiates us. In fact, every person is completely different and no treatment protocol would ever be the same for any two people.

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Vata Pitta Dosha

Vata Pitta Dosha

When someone is told by an Ayurvedic professional that they are a Vata Pitta dosha, they are telling you that you have a predominance of Vata and of Pitta dosha. Each one of us has all three dosha in our bodies, it is just our unique combination that differentiates us. In fact, every person is completely different and no treatment protocol would ever be the same for any two people.

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Ayurvedic Body Type

Ayurvedic Body Type

Each and every one of us is made up of a unique combination of the three dosha of Vata, Pitta and Kapha. The makeup of the three dosha will determine what Ayurvedic body type we will have. No one Ayurvedic body type is better than another. You are perfect exactly as you are. Knowing your Ayurvedic body type allows you to not try and reach unattainable goals for your body.

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Kapha Dosha Yoga

Kapha Dosha Yoga

In Ayurvedic Yoga, the yoga asanas are used as a therapy or treatment. Because of this, it is important to choose yoga postures that are most balancing for each dosha both being mindful of the person’s prakruti or constitution and their vikruti or current imbalances. Kapha people will rarely resemble the typical yogi body type (which is not better than or worse than any other body type). Kapha types should love their bodies and not compare themselves to others or try to achieve shapes that are unnatural to them. This makes it very important that Kapha people practice asanas in a warming, stimulating, energizing and releasing way.

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Yoga for Pitta Dosha

Yoga for Pitta Dosha

In Ayurvedic Yoga, the yoga asanas are used as a therapy or treatment. Because of this, it is important to choose yoga postures that are most balancing for each dosha both being mindful of the person’s prakruti or constitution and their vikruti or current imbalances. Pitta people often lose sight of the subtler aspects of yoga and often aren’t in the present moment when practicing. This makes it very important that Pitta people practice asanas in a non-competitive, cooling and nurturing way.

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