Vata Pitta Kapha Dosha Diet


Vata Pitta Kapha Dosha

If you are a Vata Pitta Kapha dosha, you share characteristics of all three dosha. Vata Pitta Kapha dosha people can be sama prakruti or balanced constitution or they can be an imbalanced triple pakruti. Some tri-doshic people will rarely feel imbalanced and it will require a good amount of stress and aggravation to the dosha. These sama prakruti people have high immunity and rarely get sick. For the other Vata Pitta Kapha dosha people, they will become imbalanced quickly and easily. It is important for these types of triple doshic people to be disciplined in their healthy habits and will have to work harder than any other constitutional type to maintain balanced.

Vata Pitta Kapha Dosha Diet Plan

A vata pitta kapha dosha diet should consist of an abundance of fresh and seasonal vegetables. These vegetables should be mostly cooked and use a variety of spices in your cooking to help increase the food’s digestibility. For balanced tridoshic people, they should follow a vata diet in the fall and early winter, a kapha diet in the late winter and early spring, and a pitta diet in the late spring and summer. For imbalanced tridoshic people, following a sattvic and tridoshic diet plan.

Food for Vata Pitta Kapha Dosha

Vegetables: artichokes, asparagus, bok choy, broccoli, broccoli rabe, carrots, collards, corn (fresh), daikon, green beans, Jerusalem artichoke, jicama, kale, mustard greens, onion (cooked), okra, parsnips, spinach, sprouts, summer & winter squash, sweet potatoes, watercress

Fruits: apricots, berries, cherries, grapes (red), lemons, limes, mango, peaches, pomegranate, raisins, strawberries, tamarind

Grains: barley, basmati rice (white & brown), millet, quinoa, oats (cooked), wheat, wild rice

Beans/Lentils: adzuki beans, mung daal, tofu, urad daal

Nuts/Seeds: coconut, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, sesame seeds

Dairy: butter (unsalted), cottage cheese, cow’s milk, ghee

Oils: ghee, sesame, sunflower

Sweeteners: barley malt, fruit juice concentrates, honey (raw & uncooked), maple syrup

Spices: black pepper, cardamom, cinnamon, coriander, cilantro, cumin, dill leaves or seeds, fennel, ginger (fresh), mint, mustard seeds, nutmeg, parsley, rose water, saffron, sea salt, tarragon, turmeric, vanilla

Beverages: aloe vera juice, apple juice, apricot juice, berry juice, grape juice, mango juice, peach nectar, soy milk (warmed & spiced)

Teas: barley, chamomile, chicory, cinnamon, cloves, elderflower, fennel, jasmine, lemon balm, lemongrass, peppermint, raspberry leaves, rose flower

For more information on how to incorporate a vata pitta kapha dosha diet into your lifestyle, schedule an Ayurvedic Cooking Class or Ayurvedic Wellness Coaching program with us. Also check out our Recipes page to see some sample vata pitta kapha dosha recipes.

Also check out these Ayurvedic recipes for Vata Pitta Kapha Dosha