Dinacharya Series: How to Practice Oil Pulling

Dinacharya Series: How to Practice Oil Pulling

In this video, I am going to be showing you how to perform the Dinacharya practice of Oil Pulling. The Dinacharya practice of Oil Pulling is used to remove Ama or toxins from the mouth, tongue, teeth and gums. The benefits of Oil Pulling include that it cleans the teeth, removes plaque, reduces teeth sensitivity, promotes healthy gums, and helps remove tension in the jaw and neck. Practice Oil Pulling in the morning on an empty stomach. Now press play on the video and follow along as you are led through the Ayurvedic Dinacharya practice of Oil Pulling.

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Dinacharya Series: How to Practice Garshana

Dinacharya Series: How to Practice Garshana

In this video, I am going to be showing you how to perform the Dinacharya practice of Garshana or dry-brushing. The first step in the Ayurvedic Body Care practice is Garshana or dry-brushing. Garshana is an ancient Ayurvedic practice of lymphatic massage using raw silk gloves called Garshana gloves. Now press play on the video and follow along as you are led through the Ayurvedic Dinacharya practice of Garshana.

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Dinacharya Series: How to Practice Udvartana

Dinacharya Series: How to Practice Udvartana

In this video, I am going to be showing you how to perform the Dinacharya practice of Udvartana or herbal exfoliation. The second step in the Ayurvedic Body Care practice is Udvartana or herbal exfoliation. Udvartana is similar to Garshana but it uses a herbal body cleanser instead of garshana gloves. Now press play on the video and follow along as you are led through the Ayurvedic Dinacharya practice of Udvartana.

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Dinacharya Series: How to Practice Nasya

Dinacharya Series: How to Practice Nasya

In this video, I am going to be showing you how to perform the Dinacharya practice of Nasya or nasal oleation. According to Ayurveda, the nose is the doorway to the brain. The Dinacharya practice of Nasya is used for imbalances of the head, neck and shoulders. According to Ayurveda, it can be used to combat dry sinuses, post nasal drip, chronic sinusitis, allergies, chronic ear infections, frequent colds and flu, chronic headaches, migraines, tinnitus, and “frozen shoulder”. Now press play on the video and follow along as you are led through the Ayurvedic Dinacharya practice of Nasya

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Dinacharya Series: How to Practice Tongue Scraping

Dinacharya Series: How to Practice Tongue Scraping

In this video, I am going to be showing you how to perform the Dinacharya practice of Tongue Scraping. According to Ayurveda, the tongue is a map of our organs. It is also a pathway for detoxification. The Dinacharya practice of Tongue Scraping is used to remove Ama or toxins from the mouth and tongue. Now press play on the video and follow along as you are led through the Ayurvedic Dinacharya practice of Tongue Scraping.

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Dinacharya Series: How to Practice Jala Neti

Dinacharya Series: How to Practice Jala Neti

In this video, I am going to be showing you how to perform the Dinacharya practice of Jala Neti or nasal cleansing using a Neti Pot. Jala Neti is the practice of cleaning the nasal passages with a warm, saline solution. Jala Neti keeps the nose and sinus system clean and clear. Now press play on the video and follow along as you are led through the Ayurvedic Dinacharya practice of Jala Neti or nasal cleansing.

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Dinacharya Series: How to Practice Abhyanga

Dinacharya Series: How to Practice Abhyanga

In this video, I am going to be showing you how to perform the Dinacharya practice of Self-Abhyanga using the Five Prana Ayurvedic Body Oil. Abhyanga is an ancient practice that is believed to predate the Vedic period. It means “loving hands” and it involves applying generous amounts of dosha-specific herbal oils to the skin. Now press play on the video and follow along as you are led through the Ayurvedic Dinacharya practice of Self-Abhyanga or self-oil massage.

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Sinus Treatment in Ayurveda

Sinus Treatment in Ayurveda

The nose is considered the doorway to the brain, according to Ayurveda, so cleansing and caring for the nose and sinuses, increases the flow of prana and increases energy to the head and brain. This has a direct, positive effect on the functioning of the brain and therefore, the mind. In Ayurveda, the sinuses are associated with Kapha dosha. Kapha predominant people have a proclivity towards problems with the sinuses. However, all dosha can experience issues with the sinuses. During the spring and winter months, sinus congestion is experienced more often. It is important to give extra care to the sinuses during these seasons.

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Mindful Eating

Mindful Eating

So many of us rush through eating. We watch TV, we stand up, we don't pay attention to the act of eating. Ayurveda, yoga's "sister science" stresses the importance of mindful eating because when we don't eat mindfully, our body can't digest properly.

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Ayurvedic Massage Oil

Ayurvedic Massage Oil

According to Ayurveda, the Ayurvedic massage oils used in Abhyanga are designed to deeply penetrate the skin to nourish the body, mind and spirit. When you apply Ayurvedic massage oil to your skin, it helps to provide a protective coating between you and the stresses of everyday life. Ayurvedic massage oil is very revered in Ayurveda. In fact the Sanskrit the word for "oil" sneha, is also the same word for "love." Thusly when we practice Abhyanga using our Ayurvedic massage oil, we are practicing at treatment of love.

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Ayurvedic Practices

Ayurvedic Practices

Ayurvedic practices are all about rituals, both daily and seasonally. The daily Ayurvedic practices are called Dinacharya also referred to as the Ayurvedic daily routine. This includes general hygiene habits as well as spiritual practices like yoga, pranayama and meditation. The seasonal Ayurvedic practices are called Ritucharya also referred to as the Ayurvedic seasonal routine. This includes eating seasonally appropriate foods as well as modifying the Dinacharya practices according to the season.

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Ayurvedic Skin Care

Ayurvedic Skin Care

Our skin is our largest organ. It is also a digestive organ. Because of this, Ayurvedic skin care suggests that it is important to be as mindful about what you put on your skin as you are with what you put in your mouth. Use organic products whenever possible and look for skin care that is all-natural and made with ingredients you know and can pronounce.

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Ayurvedic Lifestyle

Ayurvedic Lifestyle

The most important aspect of adopting an Ayurvedic lifestyle is to live in rhythm with the earth. This includes the rhythm of the day, the seasons of the year and the stages of our life. We need to life in harmony and balance with these cyclical changes in our lives. We also need to live in a peaceful and ethical way that honors our divine self, divine consciousness, all living things including gaia, mother earth.

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Abhyanga: Ayurvedic Massage

Abhyanga: Ayurvedic Massage

Abhyanga is a an ancient practice that is believed to predate the Vedic period. It means “loving hands” and it involves applying generous amounts of dosha-specific herbal oils. Abhyanga uses dosha appropriate oils, touch, and strokes as well as manipulation of marma points to bring equilibrium and balance to the dosha as well as the mind, body and spirit..

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Ayurvedic Nutrition - Setting Up Your Ayurvedic Pantry

Ayurvedic Nutrition - Setting Up Your Ayurvedic Pantry

In an Ayurvedic household, the spice cabinet is your pharmacy. Everyday kitchen spices have numerous healing benefits to the body, mind and spirit. When people begin cooking an Ayurvedic diet and living an Ayurvedic lifestyle, one of the first things we always recommend, is setting up your Ayurvedic pantry. This allows you to have a great baseline of Ayurvedic foods and spices to cook with in your home kitchen.

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