Ayurvedic Fall Cleanse 2021

Ayurvedic Fall Cleanse 2021

Join the 7 day Five Prana Ayurvedic Fall Cleanse. This virtual cleanse begins on Monday, September 13, 2021 and ends on Sunday, September 19, 2021. This Ayurvedic Fall Cleanse is a gentle way to reset your body and mind.

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How to Make Ghee Video

How to Make Ghee Video

Ghee is so important to Ayurvedic cooking and medicine. Ghee is believed to penetrate deep into the vital tissues of the body. It is used both internally and externally. Internally, ghee cleanses the dhatus or bodily tissues and helps to eliminate excess dosha. Externally, it calms skin inflammation and swelling, nourishes tissues and promotes calmness and serenity. Watch this video on how to make ghee.

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Featured Ayurvedic Recipe: Ghee

Featured Ayurvedic Recipe: Ghee

Ghee is so important to Ayurvedic cooking and medicine. Ghee is believed to penetrate deep into the vital tissues of the body. It is used both internally and externally. Internally, ghee cleanses the dhatus or bodily tissues and helps to eliminate excess dosha. Externally, it calms skin inflammation and swelling, nourishes tissues and promotes calmness and serenity.

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Ayurvedic Spring Cleanse 2021

Ayurvedic Spring Cleanse 2021

Join the 10 day Five Prana Ayurvedic Spring Cleanse. This virtual cleanse begins on Monday, March 22, 2021 and ends on Wednesday, March 31, 2021. This Ayurvedic Spring Cleanse is a gentle way to reset your body and mind.

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Ayurveda Massage

Ayurveda Massage

Ayurveda Massage or Abhyanga is a an ancient practice that is believed to predate the Vedic period. It means “loving hands” and it involves applying generous amounts of dosha-specific herbal oils. Abhyanga uses dosha appropriate oils, touch, and strokes as well as manipulation of marma points to bring equilibrium and balance to the dosha as well as the mind, body and spirit.

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What Is Ayurvedic Massage

What Is Ayurvedic Massage

Many people ask,” what is ayurvedic massage?” Ayurvedic Massage is called Abhyanga (pronounced ah-bih-yahn-gah). It is used in Panchakarma as a form of oleation therapy. It includes using dosha-appropriate oils, dosha-appropriate touch, pressure, and strokes. Ayurvedic massage also utilizes marma therapy by lightly pressing on specific marmas that are balancing to the recipient’s dosha and current imbalances.

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Benefits of Ghee

Benefits of Ghee

Ghee is so important to Ayurvedic cooking and medicine. Ghee is believed to penetrate deep into the vital tissues of the body. It is used both internally and externally. Internally, ghee cleanses the dhatus or bodily tissues and helps to eliminate excess dosha. Externally, it calms skin inflammation and swelling, nourishes tissues and promotes calmness and serenity.

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Ayurvedic Cleanse

Ayurvedic Cleanse

An Ayurvedic cleanse can mean many things. It could mean the ultimate purification therapy in Ayurveda, Panchakarma. It could mean mono-diet fasting with kitchari or other forms of fasting. It could also include the daily cleansing practices of Dinacharya, the Ayurvedic daily routine. This post will focus on Ayurvedic fasting.

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Abhyanga: Ayurvedic Massage

Abhyanga: Ayurvedic Massage

Abhyanga is a an ancient practice that is believed to predate the Vedic period. It means “loving hands” and it involves applying generous amounts of dosha-specific herbal oils. Abhyanga uses dosha appropriate oils, touch, and strokes as well as manipulation of marma points to bring equilibrium and balance to the dosha as well as the mind, body and spirit..

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Types of Panchakarma Treatments in Ayurveda

Types of Panchakarma Treatments in Ayurveda

Panchakarma translates to “the five actions.” Panchakarma is the five actions used to cleanse the body of ama or toxins. It is considered the ultimate shodhana chikitsa or purification therapy. This purification therapy removes ama and mala or waste products from the body, mind and spirit. It also restores balance to the dosha.

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