Ayurveda & Yoga for Allergies Workshop

Ayurveda & Yoga for Allergies Workshop

This 70 minute video workshop will give you the tools and techniques used in Ayurveda to help combat allergies. Click on the product below to take this Ayurveda & Yoga for Allergies Workshop.

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Gentle Ayurvedic Yoga Video

Gentle Ayurvedic Yoga Video

In this Ayurvedic yoga video I will be leading you in a 60 minute Gentle Ayurvedic Yoga class. This gentle yoga class is great for beginners as well as more seasoned practitioners who want to practice a more relaxed and rejuvenative yoga class. Now press play on the video and follow along as you are led through a Gentle Ayurvedic Yoga class.

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Ayurveda & Yoga for Headaches Workshop

Ayurveda & Yoga for Headaches Workshop

This 70 minute video workshop will give you the tools and techniques used in Ayurveda to help ease tension in the head and neck. Click on the product below to take this Ayurveda & Yoga for Headaches Workshop.

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Ayurveda & Yoga for Anxiety Workshop

Ayurveda & Yoga for Anxiety Workshop

This 90 minute video workshop will give you the tools and techniques used in Ayurveda to help combat anxious feelings and increase calm. Click on the product below to take this Ayurveda & Yoga for Anxiety Workshop.

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Ayurveda & Yoga for Sleep Workshop

Ayurveda & Yoga for Sleep Workshop

This 75 minute video workshop will give you the tools and techniques used in Ayurveda to help have a better night’s sleep. Click on the product below to take this Ayurveda & Yoga for Sleep Workshop.

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Balance Between Progression and Ego

Balance Between Progression and Ego

I have been working on striking a balance between progression and my ego. For many years I would go to yoga classes and be the most advanced person in the class. I remember I used to tell my mom I was more flexible than the people in the yoga videos I was practicing along with. My mom would say, "that's because you're a teenager, you'll see when you get older." I've finally understood what she meant.

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Kapha Dosha Yoga

Kapha Dosha Yoga

In Ayurvedic Yoga, the yoga asanas are used as a therapy or treatment. Because of this, it is important to choose yoga postures that are most balancing for each dosha both being mindful of the person’s prakruti or constitution and their vikruti or current imbalances. Kapha people will rarely resemble the typical yogi body type (which is not better than or worse than any other body type). Kapha types should love their bodies and not compare themselves to others or try to achieve shapes that are unnatural to them. This makes it very important that Kapha people practice asanas in a warming, stimulating, energizing and releasing way.

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Yoga for Pitta Dosha

Yoga for Pitta Dosha

In Ayurvedic Yoga, the yoga asanas are used as a therapy or treatment. Because of this, it is important to choose yoga postures that are most balancing for each dosha both being mindful of the person’s prakruti or constitution and their vikruti or current imbalances. Pitta people often lose sight of the subtler aspects of yoga and often aren’t in the present moment when practicing. This makes it very important that Pitta people practice asanas in a non-competitive, cooling and nurturing way.

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Vata Dosha Yoga

Vata Dosha Yoga

In Ayurvedic Yoga, the yoga asanas are used as a therapy or treatment. Because of this, it is important to choose yoga postures that are most balancing for each dosha both being mindful of the person’s prakruti or constitution and their vikruti or current imbalances. Vata people more than any other doshic type will feel the effects of practicing yoga incorrectly. This makes it very important that Vata people practice asanas in a steady, slow and grounding way.

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How Are Yoga and Ayurveda Related?

How Are Yoga and Ayurveda Related?

Many people ask how Yoga and Ayurveda are related. It is often said that Ayurveda and Yoga are “sister sciences” or “two sides of the same coin.” Most people think of Yoga as just the asanas or yoga poses we practice in class, but Yoga covers much more. At the heart of Yoga is Patanjali’s Ashtanga or 8 Fold Path, sometimes referred to as the 8 Limbs of Yoga. These 8 Limbs are used in both Yoga and Ayurveda to bring balance to the body, mind and spirit.

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