Featured Ayurvedic Recipe: Ghee

Ghee Recipe

1-4 stick(s) of unsalted, organic, grass-fed butter
1 pinch of mineral salt

1. Melt butter in medium pot over medium heat until the butter is fully melted. Once the butter is melted, turn down the heat so that the butter is just barely boiling and bubbling.

2. Continue to cook for the next 10-15 minutes. Watching the ghee mindfully and stirring occasionally. The butter will foam and sputter. You can skim off this foam during the cooking process and discard.

3. When the foaming and sputtering begins to lessen, watch closely. The ghee is almost ready. You will see a white coating on the bottom of the pot. When this coating turns light golden brown, the ghee is ready. Turn off the pot immediately so the ghee doesn't burn and remove from the heat. It can burn quickly so pay extra attention during this stage of the process.

4. Add a pinch of salt and allow the ghee to cool. When it is just barely warm, strain the ghee through a fine-mesh strainer or cheesecloth into a mason jar. Wait until the ghee is completely cool to cover the jar.

Ghee Measurements

  • 1 stick butter = 4 oz jar

  • 2 sticks butter = 8 oz jar

  • 3 sticks butter = 12 oz jar

  • 4 sticks butter = 16 oz jar

Promotive of health, memory, intelligence, vital fire, vital essence, and nourishment, ghee is a curative for Vata and Pitta disorders.
— Charaka Samhita