Shitali Pranayama Video

Shitali Pranayama (Cooling Breath)

In this Ayurveda pranayama video, you will be led through a 11 minute Shitali Pranayama breathing practice. Shitali breathing is considered a cooling or calming form of pranayama. In fact, shitali means “cooling.” Cooling forms of pranayama like Shitali are generally recommended for pitta dosha and pitta imbalances. This is because pitta is associated with the fire element and the quality of heat or uṣṇa. In Ayurveda, there are two main tenets: 1) like increases like; and 2) opposites balance. Therefore, since pitta is hot, it should be balanced by cold or cooling recommendations. To practice Shitali pranayama, you curl the tongue and inhale your breath through the curled tongue like it were a straw. Your inhale will even sound a little like a slurping sound or even a serpent’s hiss which is why this breathing practice is also sometimes referred to as the serpent’s breath. Then after the inhalation, you will close your mouth and hold the breath for a moment. And then exhale through the nose. Now not everyone is able to curl their tongue, so don’t be discouraged if this is not possible for you. You can still practice this pranayama by pursing the lips and imagining you are sucking in air through a straw through your pursed lips. Now press play on the video and follow along as you are led through the Ayurvedic pranayama technique of Shitali pranayama or cooling breath.

Music by Fried Coffee.