Ujjayi Pranayama Video

Ujjayi Pranayama (Victorious Breathing)

In this Ayurveda pranayama video, you will be led through a 13 minute Ujjayi Pranayama breathing practice. Ujjayi pranayama is balancing for all dosha, so it can be practiced by anyone. This is considered one of the foundational forms of pranayama since ujjayi breathing is often incorporated into other breathing practices. This form of pranayama is said to bring joy. It calms the mind and relaxes the muscles in the chest. Ujjayi means victorious. It is said that ujjayi pranayama makes you feel victorious after you practice. The Ujjayi breathing practice is centered in the throat. To practice Ujjayi pranayama, you constrict the back of the throat on the inhalation and on the exhalation. You can imagine you are fogging up a mirror as you exhale. In a quiet space you will even hear your breath. The exhalation makes the sound of “ha.” This breathing practice is often jokingly called the “Darth Vader” breath because you make a sound similar to Darth Vader from Star Wars as you practice this breathing technique. In Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras, he says that ujjayi breathing should be both long (dirga) and smooth (suksma), so don’t struggle or strain the breath. Now press play on the video and follow along as you are led through the Ayurvedic pranayama technique of Ujjayi pranayama or victorious breathing.

Music by Fried Coffee.