Apana Pranayama Video

Apana Pranayama Video

In this Ayurveda pranayama video, you will be led through a 15 minute Apana Pranayama breathing practice. Apana Pranayama or the descending breath is associated with the vital energy of the lower abdomen which governs elimination and reproduction; and is the basis of our immune function. Apana Pranayama helps to rid the mind of negative emotions, thoughts, experiences, and sensations. Now press play on the video and follow along as you are led through the Ayurvedic pranayama technique of Apana Pranayama or descending breath.

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Pranayama Practice: Apana Pranayama (Audio Recording)

Pranayama Practice: Apana Pranayama (Audio Recording)

In this Ayurveda pranayama audio recording, you will be led through a 15 minute Apana Pranayama breathing practice. Apana Pranayama or the descending breath is associated with the vital energy of the lower abdomen which governs elimination and reproduction; and is the basis of our immune function. Apana breathing is used in Ayurveda to strengthen and detoxify the urinary, excretory and reproductive systems. Traditionally it has been used for constipation and diarrhea, as well as menstrual and sexual difficulties. Apana Breath is related to reproduction, excretion, urination, menstruation, and elimination. This is not only elimination in the body but also in the mind. Apana Pranayama helps to rid the mind of negative emotions, thoughts, experiences, and sensations. Now follow along as you are led through the Ayurveda breathing technique of apana pranayama or descending breath.

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Pranayama Practice: Apana Breath

Pranayama Practice: Apana Breath

Pranayama is the 4th limb of the 8 limbs of yoga. Prana means “life force” and ayama means “expansion.” Therefore pranayama means “expansion of the life force.” However, most people when they think of pranayama, they think about breathing exercises practiced in yoga. Read on to learn how to practice the pranayama technique of apana pranayama or descending breathing.

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