Karma Meditation Video

Karma Meditation Video

In this Ayurveda meditation video, you will be led through a 15 minute Karma Meditation practice. Healing our bodies, minds and spirits comes through ridding ourselves of karma. Through living, we create karmas which are actions that come from our free will. The Vedas tell us that all of our actions have consequences. These are karmas that can either be in sync with the universal truth or dharma and create balance. Or they can be the same actions we repeat over and over again, creating imbalance. In Ayurveda, the central goal is to create balance in the body, mind and spirit. So practicing Karma Meditation, helps to rid us of imbalancing karmas.

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Ayurveda Meditation Practice: Sankalpa Meditation (Audio Recording)

Ayurveda Meditation Practice: Sankalpa Meditation (Audio Recording)

In this Ayurveda meditation audio recording, you will be led through a 10 minute Sankalpa Meditation practice. Sankalpa means “will” and “motivation.” Think of it as an affirmation or a declaration of intention. There is an old proverb that states, “As a person wishes in their heart, so are they.” A Samkalpa sets an intention at our heart space to help us heal and grow. Think of it as a plan or strategy for how you will achieve your ultimate self. In this meditation practice, you will be creating a positive intentional phrase that you will recite silently in your mind. You will then meditate on how to achieve that positive intention and imagine your life with your sankalpa realized. Now follow along as you are led through the Ayurvedic meditation technique of Sankalpa Meditation.

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Ayurveda Meditation Practice: Karma Meditation (Audio Recording)

Ayurveda Meditation Practice: Karma Meditation (Audio Recording)

In this Ayurveda meditation audio recording, you will be led through a 15 minute Karma Meditation practice. Healing our bodies, minds and spirits comes through ridding ourselves of karma. Through living, we create karmas which are actions that come from our free will. The Vedas tell us that all of our actions have consequences. These are karmas that can either be in sync with the universal truth or dharma and create balance. Or they can be the same actions we repeat over and over again, creating imbalance. In Ayurveda, the central goal is to create balance in the body, mind and spirit. So practicing Karma Meditation, helps to rid us of imbalancing karmas. Now follow along as you are led through the Ayurvedic meditation technique of Karma Meditation.

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Ayurveda Meditation Practice: Affirmation Meditation (Audio Recording)

Ayurveda Meditation Practice: Affirmation Meditation (Audio Recording)

In this Ayurveda meditation audio recording, you will be led through a 12 minute Affirmation Meditation practice. The Affirmations help the mind to stop negative thought patterns and redirect them to something positive. Affirmations are powerful because they allow you to concentrate your attention on something positive and goal affirming. Affirmations will not heal all samskaras and karmas, but they will allow you to soften the grooves. This will give the mind more power to create positive choices and reach for life affirming goals. Now follow along as you are led through the Ayurvedic meditation technique of Affirmation Meditation.

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