Ayurveda Meditation Practice: Karma Meditation (Audio Recording)

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Ayurveda Meditation

Meditation is very beneficial for not only the mind, but also the body. In Ayurveda we call it Dhyana Chikitsa or meditation as therapy because meditation has the power to heal us in many ways and on many levels. It calms and relaxes. It centers us. It allows us to decompress and connect to a higher state of consciousness.

Developing a meditation practice can be difficult. But as Maya Tiwari says in her book “The Path of Practice: A Woman’s Book of Ayurvedic Healing”: “It may be hard at first to honor your promise, but soon enough you’ll experience some results, and that will reinforce your commitment.”

Karma Meditation

In this Ayurveda meditation audio recording, you will be led through a 10 minute Karma Meditation practice. Healing our bodies, minds and spirits comes through ridding ourselves of karma. Through living, we create karmas which are actions that come from our free will. The Vedas tell us that all of our actions have consequences. These are karmas that can either be in sync with the universal truth or dharma and create balance. Or they can be the same actions we repeat over and over again, creating imbalance. In Ayurveda, the central goal is to create balance in the body, mind and spirit. So practicing Karma Meditation, helps to rid us of imbalancing karmas.

It is the goal of life to learn our patterns of behaviors, actions and desires. This can help us to stop repeating the same karmic patterns. As we work through this Karma Meditation, we will confront samskaras. Samskaras are imprints that explain the motivations behind our behavior. These samskaras create karma. During this phase of the meditation, emotions like anger, grief and sadness may arise. This is a natural and normal part of this meditation process. Don’t get hung up on these feelings or hold onto them too long. Each time you practice this meditation, you will soften the grooves or repetitive patterns in the thoughts, speech and actions. You will lessen your karmic bank also called the sanchitakarma.

Karma Meditation allows you to observe your thoughts and examine your actions from a distance with clarity and vision. This will help you to end the cycle of perpetuation of karma. This will help you to live in your ultimate truth rather than being ruled by fear, anger, and negative habits and thought patterns. There is also an affirmation recitation portion of the meditation which allows you to reconstruct your karmas and samskaras. This transformation in your thought process makes eliminating karma possible. And with time and repetition, you can completely transform those karmas and samskaras. Now follow along as you are led through the Ayurvedic meditation technique of Karma Meditation.