How to Develop a Positive Mental Attitude: Don't Freak Out

How to Develop a Positive Mental Attitude: Don't Freak Out

Getting ready for an impromptu camping trip this weekend in Hocking Hills. Went to Whole Foods for organic eats for camping and when I get home, I heard this hissing noise coming from my car. Of course just my luck, I had a nail in my tire. Made a mad dash to the tire place without even unloading the groceries. It always seems that when I'm crunched for time, something throws a wrench in my day.

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Crocheting & Patience

Crocheting & Patience

I’ve learned so much about myself and about life from trying to untangle balls of yarn. When I begin a new crochet project, that’s when the tangling starts. I’m ready to dive into my new project and before I can start I have to untangle a big mess of yarn. I start pulling and it gets worse. I try to gingerly slide the yarn through and knots begin to form. I try to stay cool and relaxed, but eventually frustration kicks in and I’m crying hot Pitta tears. “Why does this always happen?” I ask myself. It’s the question that arises each time. You’d think I’d be prepared, but I never am.

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