How to Practice the Cleansing Hand Mantra Video

How to Practice the Cleansing Hand Mantra

In this Ayurveda mantra video, you will be led through a 9 minute Cleansing Hand Mantra practice. Mantra comes from the Sanskrit words manas or “mind” and trai or “to protect”, “to set free.” Therefore, mantra means “to set free from the mind.” Mantras are tools for the mind. They direct prana and are used in Ayurveda for self-healing. This cleansing hand mantra practice is great to do before cooking, eating, Dinacharya, Abhyanga, sex, gardening, washing fruits & vegetables, and anything you do with your hands.

Ayam Me Hasto Bhagavan Ayam Me Bhagavattarah Ayam Me Visvabhe Sajo’yagm Sivabhimarsanah — Rig Veda

Ayam Me Hasto Bhagavan (AY-AM MAY AHSTO BHAHG-AH-VAHN)
Mudra: both palms facing up
Translation: My hand is the Lord

Ayam Me Bhagavattarah (AY-AM MAY BHAHG-AH-VAHT-TAHRA-HA)
Mudra: both palms facing down
Translation: Boundlessly blissful is my hand

Ayam Me (AY-AM MAY)
Mudra: right palm up and left palm down
Translation: This hand

Visvabhe (VISH-VU VEH-HAY)
Mudra: left palm up and right palm down
Translation: Holds all the healing secrets

Mudra: both palms facing up
Translation: Which makes it whole

Sivabhimarsanah (SHEE-VAH BEE MARSH-AN-AH-HA)
Mudra: hands together in prayer to third-eye and then down to heart
Translation: With its gentle touch

Now press play on the video and follow along as you are led through the Ayurvedic mantra technique of the Cleansing Hand Mantra.

Music by Fried Coffee.