Featured Ayurvedic Recipe: Garam Masala Sweet Potatoes

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Garam Masala Sweet Potatoes

2 medium sweet potatoes, cut into chunks
1-3 tbsp oil or ghee
1 tbsp Garam Masala
salt to taste
Garnish with fresh cilantro leaves and a squeeze of lime

1. Preheat oven to 400*F.

2. Add oil to a baking sheet and place in oven during preheat. This gets the oil nice and melty and you can swish it around to coat the bottom of the pan and to prevent the sweet potato from sticking.

3. Add garam masala and a sprinkle of salt to the melted oil and stir to combine.

4. Add your sweet potato chunks and coat in the oil and spice mixture.

5. Roast for 20-30 minutes, stirring 2-3x.

Doshic Considerations

  • VATA: sesame oil or ghee

  • PITTA: coconut oil or ghee

  • KAPHA: sunflower oil or ghee