Tarkshya Mudra


Tarkshya Mudra

Tarkshya Mudra is the mudra of detoxification. It is a variation of Garuda Mudra. Tarkshya is slightly different hand placement than Garuda. To practice this mudra, link the pinkie fingers and connect the thumbs to the middle and ring finger while keeping the index finger extended.

Tarkshya mudra is associated with the deity, Garuda, the mystical bird. It is considered a very powerful mudra in aiding in spiritual and physical detoxification

How to Incorporate this Mudra

Find a cozy and quiet space where you will be able to settle into. Bring yourself into sukhasana / easy pose. Once you settle in with your breath, allowing it to flow in and out, bring your hands into Tarkshya Mudra, allowing them to rest below your heart. Inhaling from the base of your spine all the way to the crown of your head. Exhale completely and draw your navel to your spine and allow the shoulders to soften. Next, take a deep breath in, lengthen the spine. Exhale, begin to pull your navel to your spine as you slowly twist the body towards the left. Pause and inhale again, and then exhale and twist a little more. Continue this practice for five full breaths. When you are finished, allow the inhale to draw you back to center. Take one round of breath to settle before repeating the process on the right side.

QOTD: "What is something that you considered toxic or unnecessary that has left your life since the new year (in a emotional, spiritual, physical or mental way), and was it a voluntary release, or did it seem to happen beyond your control?" (3/3/2016) I started my Ayurvedic certification this week with the incredible Vaidya (Ayurvedic Doctor) Lina Thakar. It made me realize that my Ayurvedic anniversary is coming up next month. While this change started last April and didn't kick off at the new year, it has helped me to remove so many toxic things I was doing like how I was eating and also the ways I was thinking. I've been meditating on the all the changes that have happened over the last year and I realized how much I've grown. I feel so positive now. I've realized how much negativity was weighing me down. I'm less quick to judgment. Positive responses, thoughts and emotions come to the surface before negative ones. And if I falter, I recognize what I'm doing and change my behavior. I feel like I've let go of a lot of anger, fear and anxiety. I am still working on some things but I feel better equipped to handle them now.
