Pushpaputa Mudra


Pushpaputa Mudra

Pushpaputa Mudra is the mudra of a handful of flowers. To practice this mudra, hold your hands out, palms up. Cup your hands like they are two empty bowls with the thumbs tucked up next to the index fingers. Keep your hands relaxed and remove any tension in the hands.

Pushpaputa mudra is a mudra of openness and acceptance. It is a gesture of giving to others like you are giving them a beautiful bouquet of flowers. When we give ourselves in service to others, we give to the whole universe.

I open myself to divine joy (or healing power, light, love, etc.), let myself be filled by it. I radiate it into the world through my heart.
— Affirmation from Gertrud Hirschi's "Mudras: Yoga in your Hands"