Mudra of the Inner Self


Mudra of the Inner Self

The Mudra of the Inner Self is the mudra that connects us to our inner and higher self. To practice this mudra, connect the tips of your index, middle, ring and pinky fingers and gently cup the hands so there is space between the palms. Then connect the thumbs together.

The Mudra of the Inner Self has an opening between the hands. This opening symbolizes the power of our hearts, minds and spirits to be open to learning, growing and evolving. The hands are triangular shaped. The triangle represents the 3 gunas of sattva, rajas and tamas. The triangle is also the symbol of the divine, both cosmic consciousness (mahad) and our individual consciousness (buddhi).

This mudra symbolizes the inner nature of the human being, which is concealed by physical power — but is aired at times through joy or suffering, or guided through the secret school by the inner human being.
— Sofie Rodelli in "Handubungen als Heilgymnastik"

QOTD: “What parts of yourself do you keep hidden from others? Why?” (3/8/2016) Today's question is a tough one. I think we all have things we keep hidden and many things with good reason, but I'm sure other things need to come out of the shadows. I know I feel comfort in knowing that I'm not alone in an emotion or situation and I've realized that I have to communicate it in order for that to happen. So sharing what is hidden helps me to realize I'm not alone. I started writing this post last night but was struggling to think of something I keep hidden that I wanted to share. I decided to think on it and here I am the next morning still drawing a blank. Oh well. Maybe I feel more open now so I have less room for hidden stuff or maybe I'll remember something days from now and I'll go "that's what I should've wrote in that post!" Here's to hoping it's the former.