Matangi Mudra


Matangi Mudra

Matangi Mudra is the mudra of the God of inner harmony and royal ruler ship. To practice this mudra, interlace all the fingers together and extend the middle fingers. Hold your hands in front of your solar plexus area of the body.

Matangi mudra helps to balance the solar plexus or Manipura Chakra.

"It stimulates the wood element, which represents new beginnings, and the earth element, which gives life it's depth." - Gertrude Hirschi "Mudras: Yoga in your Hands."

Rest, silence, and peace fill my completely.
— Affirmation from Gertrud Hirschi's "Mudras: Yoga in your Hands"

October 23, 2015

Day 11 of my 14 day meditation immersion. I didn't do my normal morning meditation today and instead meditated after my evening yoga class. I used Gael Chiarella's "P.M. Yoga Meditations." This 15 minute guided meditation was to help let go of stresses and worries from the day. It was such a lovely meditation. I found it easier to sit still and focus on her words and voice. Maybe it was because I just did yoga or maybe it's the evening time of day. I know my natural rhythm is more centered an energetic in the evening hours so maybe that's it. I've been working on being a morning person. It's been a slow-moving change but I've made great strides. Throughout the meditation immersion, our leader Jennifer Yuhas has shared lovely words of wisdom and helpful articles. I really liked something she shared with us today:

"Enter deeply into your own neurosis, your anxiety, your panic, your confusion, your suffering, and your fear - get to know its textures, qualities and fragrances, and allow it to take you into the secret chamber buried inside your own body. For within the mandala of tender, ripe aliveness there are jewels beyond the mind." - Matt Licata