Bhumisparsha Mudra


Bhumisparsha Mudra

Bhumisparsha Mudra is known as a mudra of enlightenment or a gesture of calling witness. To practice this mudra, turn your palm up in the right hand and rest it on the right knee. With the left hand, turn the palm downward and let the fingers gently touch the ground.

Connected with cosmic consciousness, I feel myself guided, protected, supported, and upheld on my path in life.
— Affirmation from Gertrud Hirschi's "Mudras: Yoga in your Hands"

December 8, 2015

I love the meditation and visualization from Gertrude Hirschi's book, "Mudras: Yoga in your Hands" for the Bhumisparsha Mudra:

"Simply look at an object or being (stone, plant, animal, etc.). While inhaling, absorb its energy; while exhaling, give it your energy. Each breath is like a band, and the connection becomes denser and denser until you merge with it. You can connect with cosmic consciousness in this way, and it will show you the path to eternal unity."

I've been practicing this Mudra during chanting OM at the beginning of yoga class. I feel such a deeper OM when I use this Mudra. Like I have more breath to hold out my OM for longer.

On one of my first days at the ashram, my teacher talked about our connection to the cosmic consciousness, how we are all one. When we look into the eyes of another, we are looking into ourselves. When we hurt others, we hurt ourselves. And when we hurt ourselves, we hurt others. We are all one. That can feel very abstract, at least it can to me. But when I really think about, when I meditate on it, I begin to understand.