Abhaya Mudra


Abhaya Mudra

Abhaya Mudra is the mudra of protection. To practice this mudra, hold your right hand at the level of your heart, palm facing away from you. With the left hand, practice chin or jnana mudra. You often see Abhaya Mudra in depictions of Hindu deities. It promises the believer protection and freedom from fear.

I believe in the good in this human being (or in this thing) and the good will be revealed to me.
— Affirmation from Gertrud Hirschi's "Mudras: Yoga in your Hands"

October 6, 2015

We all live with a certain level of fear. Many of more than others. Just imagine living in a place where you struggle to be alive be it because of lack of resources, war, or being surrounded by hurtful people. How can you feel at peace when you are struggling everyday just to be alive. I don't think I show enough gratitude in my life for the level of security and stability around me. Remembering this puts my own fears into perspective. It doesn't make them go away but it softens the hard edges. My wish for you is that you are protected from fear. That you feel gratitude for your many blessings and the strength to overcome hardships.