Pitta Dosha Diet


Pitta Dosha

  • Elements: fire & water

  • Taste: sweet, bitter & astringent

  • Qualities: oily, sharp, hot, light, liquid

  • Locations: bellybutton, sweat glands, blood, eyes, skin, intestine, liver, gallbladder, spleen, gray matter of brain

  • Functions: metabolism; digestion, absorption & assimilation; body temperature; appetite; thirst; taste; color and luster of skin, eyes and hair; eyes & visual perception; intelligence; courage; ambition; discrimination and reasoning; sensitivity and reactivity; bravery; transformation; controls digestive and endocrine systems

  • Causes for Provocation: pungent, acidic/sour & salty foods; hot food; spicy foods; alcohol; tobacco; heat & sun exposure; anger; strenuous work; eating before previous meal is digested; summer and late spring


Pitta Dosha Diet

Because Ayurveda treats the whole person and no two people are alike, there isn’t a set prescribed diet for all Pitta dosha people to follow. There are however, some generalized recommendations for Pitta predominate people.

  • Emphasize the tastes of sweet, bitter and astringent

  • Eat cooling foods and drinks like salads, bitter leafy greens, cilantro, coconut milk

  • Drink cooling drinks like coconut water, aloe vera juice and cilantro juice

  • Drink room temperature water

  • Avoid hot and spicy foods like chili peppers and hot spices

  • Avoid pungent foods like garlic and raw onions

  • Avoid sour foods like pickles, lemons, tomatoes and orange juice

  • Avoid fermented foods like vinegar and alcohol

  • Avoid oily foods like deep fried and fried foods as well as peanut butter

  • Favor bitter and astringent vegetables like zucchini, broccoli, green beans, fennel and leafy greens

  • Use ghee as main oil source

  • Favor whole grains like basmati rice, barley, couscous, and wheat (if tolerated)

  • Favor cooling spices and herbs like cilantro, coriander, mint and turmeric

  • Avoid eating while angry, irritable, upset or overheated

  • Eat in a calm environment where you feel supported and cared for

  • Eat a breakfast and eat at regular times each day with the midday meal being the largest

  • Avoid salty foods especially salted nuts

If you are interested in delving deeper into the Pitta Dosha Diet, schedule an Ayurvedic Consultation with us.

Also check out these Ayurvedic recipes for Pitta Dosha