Pitta Dosha Characteristics

Pitta Dosha Characteristics

Pitta dosha is the dosha of digestion, absorption and assimilation. Pitta comes from the Sanskrit word tapas meaning “to heat.” Pitta controls the digestive and endocrine systems as well as the metabolism. Pitta exhibits the qualities of slightly oily, sharp, hot, light and liquid. These qualities determine the characteristics of Pitta Dosha and a Pitta individual.

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Ayurveda Pitta

Ayurveda Pitta

Ayurveda Pitta dosha is the dosha of digestion, absorption and assimilation. Ayurveda Pitta comes from the Sanskrit word tapas meaning “to heat.” Ayurveda Pitta controls the digestive and endocrine systems as well as the metabolism. Ayurveda Pitta exhibits the qualities of slightly oily, sharp, hot, light and liquid. These qualities determine the characteristics of Ayurveda Pitta Dosha and a Pitta individual.

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Yoga for Pitta Dosha

Yoga for Pitta Dosha

In Ayurvedic Yoga, the yoga asanas are used as a therapy or treatment. Because of this, it is important to choose yoga postures that are most balancing for each dosha both being mindful of the person’s prakruti or constitution and their vikruti or current imbalances. Pitta people often lose sight of the subtler aspects of yoga and often aren’t in the present moment when practicing. This makes it very important that Pitta people practice asanas in a non-competitive, cooling and nurturing way.

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Pitta Dosha: An Explanation

Pitta Dosha: An Explanation

Pitta dosha is the dosha of digestion, absorption and assimilation. Pitta comes from the Sanskrit word tapas meaning “to heat.” Pitta controls the digestive and endocrine systems as well as the metabolism. Pitta exhibits the qualities of slightly oily, sharp, hot, light and liquid. These qualities determine the characteristics of Pitta Dosha and a Pitta individual.

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What Is My Dosha?

What Is My Dosha?

One of the most popular questions any Ayurvedic Health Counselor receives is “what is my dosha?” The word “dosha” doesn’t have a perfect translation; however, when most people think of what their dosha is, they are thinking of their Prakruti. In Ayurveda, Prakruti refers to your individual inherent nature or constitution. Your Prakruti determines your physical, physiological and mental character as well as your disease vulnerability.

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