Panchakarma Treatment


Panchakarma translates to “the five actions”; pancha means five and karma means action. Panchakarma is the five actions used to cleanse the body of ama or toxins. It is considered the ultimate shodhana chikitsa or purification therapy. This purification therapy removes ama and mala or waste products from the body, mind and spirit. It also restores balance to the dosha.

Panchakarma Treatment

If you have looked into experiencing panchakarma at an Ayurvedic center, you may have seen a list of luxurious spa treatments. These panchakarma treatments include snehana or oleation; swedana or therapeutic heat or fomentation; and lifestyle and dietary adjustments.

  • Abhyantar Snehana or internal oleation treatments: this usually includes taking spoonfuls of warm ghee on an empty stomach in increasing amounts leading up to panchakarma

  • Bahya Snehana or external oleation treatments

    • Abhyanga or Ayurvedic oleation therapy, sometimes referred to as Ayurvedic massage; this treatment can be performed by one or two technicians and includes shiroabhyanga or head massage, padabhyanga or foot massage, and full-body abhyanga; it utilizes specially-formulated herbal oils that are balancing to your specific imbalances

    • Udvartana is an herbal dry rub used predominantly for kapha-imbalances and in lieu of abhyanga in a daily treatment schedule

    • Garshana is an exfoliating dry rub used predominately for kapha-imbalances, where a technician uses raw silk gloves and specific strokes

    • Lepanas or herbal mud treatments

    • Shirodhara or third-eye treatment where a stream of warm medicinal oil is poured over the third-eye and forehead

    • Pichu is when a cotton cloth is soaked in herbal oils and placed on areas of the body in need of healing

    • Pishinchhali is a luxurious treatment where warm oils are poured over the oil, bathing the body in body

    • Karna Purna is oleation of the ears with ear oil

    • External Bastis are when a ring of dough is placed around a specific area of the body and filled with warm, herbal oils

      • Nabhi Basti: belly

      • Hrid Basti: heart

      • Katu Basti: lower back

      • Janu Basti: knee

      • Netra Basti: eyes

      • Kundalini Basti: spine

  • Swedana or Ayurvedic heat therapy

    • Bashpa Swedana or steam bath where steam is applied evenly to the entire body

    • Pindi Swedana is when boluses filled with herbs, decoctions, rice and milk or other healing substances are heated and pressed, rubbed or pounded on the body

    • Drava Swedana or warm decoction bath

    • Nadi Swedana or localized steam application where steam is applied to only specific areas of the body