Ayurveda Pitta


The Three Dosha & Prakruti

We’ve explained the various Ayurvedic Dosha Types and last week we discussed Ayurveda Vata. Today we are going to discuss Ayurveda Pitta. There are three dosha types in Ayurveda: Vata, Pitta and Kapha. Each person has their own unique combination of the three dosha in their physical and psychological makeup and the dosha are the primary life forces in the body. You can discover your prakruti or your specific makeup of the three dosha of Vata, Pitta and Kapha, when you see an Ayurvedic professional for an Ayurvedic Consultation.

Ayurveda Pitta

Ayurveda Pitta is the dosha of digestion, assimilation and absorption. Ayurveda Pitta comes from the Sanskrit word tapas meaning “to heat.” Ayurveda Pitta controls the digestion not only of the food we eat, but if the impressions we take in through our mind. Ayurveda Pitta is controlled by the elements of fire and water. Ayurveda Pitta dosha is balanced by sweet, bitter and astringent tastes and aggravated by pungent, sour and salty tastes. Ayurveda Pitta exhibits the qualities of slightly oily, sharp, hot, light, liquid, and spreading. These qualities determine the characteristics of Ayurveda Pitta Dosha and a Pitta individual. The primary Ayurveda Pitta location is the small intestine which is why Pitta has a tendency toward diarrhea. Ayurveda Pitta will also commonly experience imbalances in their secondary locations of the bellybutton, sweat glands, blood, eyes, skin, intestine, liver, gallbladder, spleen, and gray matter of brain. Ayurveda Pitta controls the function of the digestive and endocrine systems; the digestion, absorption and assimilation of all substances and impressions; as well as the body’s metabolism. Ayurveda Pitta also governs body temperature; appetite; thirst; taste; color and luster of skin, eyes and hair; eyes & visual perception; intelligence; courage; ambition; discrimination and reasoning; sensitivity and reactivity; bravery; and transformation. The things that cause Ayurveda Pitta to be provoked or go out of balance are pungent, acidic/sour & salty foods; hot food; spicy foods; alcohol; tobacco; heat & sun exposure; anger; strenuous work; eating before previous meal is digested; and the summer and late spring seasons.

To learn about the qualities of Ayurveda Pitta, click here.