Anjali Mudra


Anjali Mudra

Anjali mudra also know as the atmanjali mudra is the prayer mudra is used for invocation and devotion. It is great for centering yourself in preparation for yoga. I feel a sense of reverence when I practice this mudra especially when used in conjunction with chanting mantra. It also reminds me to tune into the energy at the Anahata or heart chakra. When we practice this mudra we create harmony, balance, and peace by connecting the left and right hands while at the same time connecting the left and right hemispheres of the brain. This mudra also helps us to cultivate a feeling of gratitude at the heart-center.

In a yoga class lead by the lovely Elaine Houlihan, she instructed us on the importance of resting poses and how we should feel how our asanas stir up our prana. She compared it to placing your hand in water and when you remove your hand the water ripples out. Practicing yoga poses stirs up our prana and when we rest after the pose, we can really feel the affects of that prana. I really loved this because it reminded me to tune into my prana just as I do when I practice Anjali mudra.

Full of thankfulness, I receive the good that waits for me.
— Affirmation from Gertrud Hirschi's "Mudras: Yoga in your Hands"

QOTD: "what needs nourishing in our lives?" and "how can you create a deeper connection to the world around you?" I'll start with the second question. The last few weeks I noticed I was getting irritated by people coming in late to yoga class. Then I was late getting to class twice in the past week. It was karma smacking me in the face. It reminded me how similar we all are and that I need to be more caring and understanding. We have the same feelings, emotions, stages of our lives. We are all connected. I have been working on nourishing my mind and body with Ayurvedic study and diet. I can't believe how much its positively impacted my life already and can't wait to continue on this yoga journey.