Lotus Mudra


Lotus Mudra

Lotus Mudra is the mudra of purity. When you practice this mudra, your hands resemble a lotus flower in bloom. Place your hands together at your heart center, your anahata chakra. Allow only the edges of your palms to touch one another as well as the thumbs and pinkie fingers. Your palms should be open with your index, middle and ring fingers are free and extended outward. Try to spread your fingers as wide open as possible. Hold this mudra for 5 deep breaths, one for each of the 5 elements of the universe: space/ether, air, fire, water and earth. Then release the mudra, allowing your hands to relax. Practice additional times if you wish.

Lotus mudra is associated with the heart or anahata chakra. Our reserves of love live in our heart center. The open bud of the lotus flower and this mudra allow us to take in messages from the divine. It allows us to connect with cosmic consciousness and our highest self. This mudra is beneficial when we are feeling misunderstood and disconnected.

I've been consumed with the incredible words of Maya Tiwari today. Her recommendations for how we can incorporate ahimsa into our lives seem so transformative. I just finished reading her chapter entitled: "Fasting Body, Feasting Spirit". Fasting isn't just about refraining from food but also from sounds, sights, smells and distractions that throw off our equilibrium. I really identify with fasting from harmful impressions. I'm lucky to work from home. I have a lot of time for quiet and solitude. I need these things to survive. I remember when I studied abroad in college. I shared a room with 4 other ladies and by week 2 of our program I was intensely craving time to myself where I could reflect. I would take long bus rides and walks around Florence listening to music like The Dirty Three. I needed that time of respite to rejuvenate my spirit and slow my racing thoughts. It was one of the few times in my life where I didn't have that alone time I so desperately needed. I think in some ways it was good for me to have to live for a time that was outside my comfort zone. It taught me how I needed to care for myself and what I needed personally to feel whole. 

I open myself to nature; I open myself to the good that exists in every human being; and I open myself to the Divine so that I will be richly blessed.
— Affirmation from Gertrud Hirschi's "Mudras: Yoga in your Hands"

QOTD: "How do you share and receive love from yourself and others? Are you loving yourself fully?" I love to cook! Sharing food with others is very important to me. I've relished the opportunity others have afforded me to nourish them with healthy food. I'm grateful that my PIC, my husband has embraced an Ayurvedic diet in our home. He has taught me so much about love and I'm eternally grateful that I get to spend my life with such an amazing person. 


March 13, 2016

I've been reading Maya Tiwari's book "Secrets of Healing" and she shares some lovely mantras and prayers. I particularly like this one:

A Prayer for the Wellbeing of the Universe

Svasti prajabhyah paripalayantam
Nyayena margena mahim mahisah
Gobrahmanebhyah subhamastu nityam
Lokasamasta sukhino bhavantu
Kale varsatu parjanyah prthivi sasyasaline
Deso yam ksobarahitah brahmanah santu nirbhayah
Om Shanti Shanti Shanti

May everyone be prosperous.
May the peacemakers righteously rule the Earth.
Let the animals and people of wisdom be protected at all times.
May all be happy.
May the rains come at the proper time.
May the Earth produce grains.
May the world be free from famine.
May the people of contemplation have no cause for fear.
