How to Develop a Positive Mental Attitude: Don't Freak Out


July 14, 2016

Getting ready for an impromptu camping trip this weekend in Hocking Hills. Went to Whole Foods for organic eats for camping and when I get home, I heard this hissing noise coming from my car. Of course just my luck, I had a nail in my tire. Made a mad dash to the tire place without even unloading the groceries. It always seems that when I'm crunched for time, something throws a wrench in my day. It reminded me that I will always be thrown curveballs in life. Sometimes at the most in opportune moments. I could feel my freak out meter going up but as I'm waiting for my tire to be fixed, I'm feeling calm again. Shit happens, right?! Nothing we can do about it. All we can do is make the best of a bad situation. Freaking out doesn't make the nail in my tire go away. It just makes things worse. I know in the past, I would be ranting and raving, stomping my feet and cursing the world for being unfair. But I feel like I have more control over my emotions and I know a big reason for that is Ayurveda. It has taught me so much not only about physical health but about mental and emotional health as well. All the personal and spiritual work I've been doing is making me better equipped to handle life's ups and downs. I'm less impulsive and less reactionary and that is something that I hope I can continue to improve upon.