The Chakras


October 24, 2015

Yoga Pose = Prasarita Padottanasana or Wide Angle Forward Fold
Prasarita = expanded, stretched out, with outstretched limbs
Pada = foot
Ut = intense
Tan = to stretch out or extend

Day 12 of my 14 day meditation immersion. Used Gael Chiarella's chakra balancing meditation. The purpose of the meditation was to focus on my energy body so that could I could learn of the essential spiritual laws of nature and apply them to everyday life. Each chakra has a universal spiritual life lesson to teach us. 

  1. Muladhara Chakra: color red, base of spine, foundation of our body, "all is one", "I am connected to all life, and every choice I make and every belief I hold exerts influence on the whole of life."

  2. Svadhisthana Chakra: color orange, sexual center, "every relationship we develop from the most casual to the most intimate, serves the purpose of helping us become more conscious"

  3. Manipura Chakra: color yellow, located at belly, center that processes information, individuality and strength, holds our personal power, "it is from this place where we release criticism of ourselves, it is in this place that you affirm your ability to take care of yourself, to honor yourself and your lifestyle and your choices and your health. It is from here that you grow in responsibility and have faith in the being called you"

  4. Anahata Chakra: color green, heart, center of love, compassion and forgiveness, "for it is emotional energy rather than mental energy that is the true motivator of your body mind and spirit and it is loving that holds your pathway to the divine"

  5. Vishuddha Chakra: color blue, located at throat, center of divine power of will, truth, integrity and expression, "release the need to know release the need to be right as you open your will to that which is divine within you so does truth"

  6. Ajna Chakra: color indigo, located at third eye, center of trust and truth, "I seek only the truth is that which my mind holds"

  7. Sahasra Chakra: color violet, crown of head, where spirit is made manifest through me, "I seek to live in the present moment. It is in the present moment that my intimate connection with the divine is expressed"