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Ayurvedic Kitchari Cleanse - Marissa Mele on Daily Burn

Back in October of 2016, I was interviewed by the Daily Burn blog about the Ayurvedic Kitchari Cleanse. The article explains everything you need to know about the kitchari cleanse. I share Ayurvedic insights into the kitchari cleanse and give how-to's on completing a successful detoxifying cleanse.

Kitchari is an Ayurvedic stew that is easy-to-digest. It is a complete meal comprised of rice, split mung bean lentil or daal, vegetables, spices and ghee (stay tuned for a later blog post with my kitchari recipe). Kitchari is often eaten a part of a mono-diet cleanse which requires you to eat kitchari for breakfast, lunch and dinner for a specified period of time. An Ayurvedic Health Counselor like myself, would generally recommend the length of time for your mono-diet cleanse, (if you are interested in my services please click here to schedule an Ayurvedic Consultation). You can try out this cleanse but I would recommend starting with just one day at first and see how you feel. You can also just add kitchari to your diet by having it for lunch or dinner a couple days a week. Kitchari is considered a cleansing, balancing and sattvic meal that is tridoshic meaning good for all dosha. Check out the Daily Burn article here.

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