Ayurvedic Lifestyle

Ayurvedic Lifestyle

The most important aspect of adopting an Ayurvedic lifestyle is to live in rhythm with the earth. This includes the rhythm of the day, the seasons of the year and the stages of our life. We need to life in harmony and balance with these cyclical changes in our lives. We also need to live in a peaceful and ethical way that honors our divine self, divine consciousness, all living things including gaia, mother earth.

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Finding Balance in my Yoga Practice

Finding Balance in my Yoga Practice

Balance is such a central tenet of Ayurveda as well. When I describe Ayurveda to people, the word I always come back to is balance. Ayurveda teaches us to find balance in all that we do. The path to health and overall wellbeing is by finding balance.

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Ayurvedic Food

Ayurvedic Food

I get asked this question a lot, “what is Ayurvedic food?” In its most simplest terms, Ayurvedic food is food that is filled with prana (life-force); food that is balancing to our dosha or prakruti (unique constitution) and our vikruti (current imbalances); and food that is able to be properly digested by our agni (digestive fire). Everything we eat needs to nourish our body, mind and spirit and this is only possible if our body is able to digest, absorb, assimilate, and transform the nutrients in our food.

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How to Develop a Positive Mental Attitude: Change Your Thoughts to Change Your Reality

How to Develop a Positive Mental Attitude: Change Your Thoughts to Change Your Reality

"Whether you think you or you think you can't, you're probably right." It's my favorite quote and Henry Ford couldn't be more right. I can decide how I feel about something and I can change the way I feel just by changing my outlook.

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Ayurveda Definition

Ayurveda Definition

There are many ways to define Ayurveda, but I think the best is to look at the Ayurvedic definition of health outlined in the Sushruta Samhita: “One who is established in Self, who has balanced dosha, balanced agni (digestive fire), properly formed dhatu (tissue systems of the body.), proper elimination of mala (wastes products), well functioning srotamsi (bodily processes) and whose mind, soul and senses are full of ananda (bliss), is called a healthy person.”

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Dwan Light Sanctuary

Dwan Light Sanctuary

How can you describe this place? Prisms of light producing rainbows in a colorless space. There’s constant noises here, as if to remind me that the wind is just outside the door, rustling the leaves of the trees and sending fruit crashing below. I keep turning around, thinking someone is entering. But it’s just me and the echo of my breath and my pen to the page. 

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Kapha Dosha Yoga

Kapha Dosha Yoga

In Ayurvedic Yoga, the yoga asanas are used as a therapy or treatment. Because of this, it is important to choose yoga postures that are most balancing for each dosha both being mindful of the person’s prakruti or constitution and their vikruti or current imbalances. Kapha people will rarely resemble the typical yogi body type (which is not better than or worse than any other body type). Kapha types should love their bodies and not compare themselves to others or try to achieve shapes that are unnatural to them. This makes it very important that Kapha people practice asanas in a warming, stimulating, energizing and releasing way.

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How to Develop a Positive Mental Attitude: Stop Expecting to Win

How to Develop a Positive Mental Attitude: Stop Expecting to Win

“Sometimes when you no longer see yourself as the hero of your own drama, you know, expecting victory after victory, and you understand deeply that this is not paradise. Somehow we’re, especially the privileged ones that we are, we somehow embrace the notion that this veil of tears is perfectable that you can get it all straight. I found that things became a lot easier when I no longer expected to win. I tried to put that into the song 1,000 kisses deep, where you understand that you abandon your masterpiece and you sink into the real masterpiece.” - Leonard Cohen

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Yoga for Pitta Dosha

Yoga for Pitta Dosha

In Ayurvedic Yoga, the yoga asanas are used as a therapy or treatment. Because of this, it is important to choose yoga postures that are most balancing for each dosha both being mindful of the person’s prakruti or constitution and their vikruti or current imbalances. Pitta people often lose sight of the subtler aspects of yoga and often aren’t in the present moment when practicing. This makes it very important that Pitta people practice asanas in a non-competitive, cooling and nurturing way.

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Impermanence vs. Permanence

Impermanence vs. Permanence

The transitional nature of life continues for now. The Bardo isn’t over. It can be difficult to live without. Without family. Without friends. Without “stuff”. Without stability. Without permanence. But lack of permanence doesn’t mean lack of purpose. Or at least it doesn’t have to be. And one day my feet will be firmly planted, so I must enjoy all the transience now.

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Vata Dosha Yoga

Vata Dosha Yoga

In Ayurvedic Yoga, the yoga asanas are used as a therapy or treatment. Because of this, it is important to choose yoga postures that are most balancing for each dosha both being mindful of the person’s prakruti or constitution and their vikruti or current imbalances. Vata people more than any other doshic type will feel the effects of practicing yoga incorrectly. This makes it very important that Vata people practice asanas in a steady, slow and grounding way.

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How to Develop Positive Habits

How to Develop Positive Habits

I’ve been cultivating new daily sadhana practices since my return home from Panchakarma. Each morning I awoke before sunrise and meditated. This is something that I’ve been wanting to cultivate into my daily life since even before I began my Ayurvedic journey. It’s taken me some time to make this a daily practice, but a shift has taken place at Panchakarma, as it always does, and I’m starting to feel the roots of change take hold in the soul.

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How to Develop a Positive Mental Attitude: Tell Yourself You're Awesome

How to Develop a Positive Mental Attitude: Tell Yourself You're Awesome

It’s hard for me to proud of myself. It’s hard for most of us to be proud of ourselves. And I’m not perfect, I mess up lots of things. We all do. But we’re all good at something and we shouldn’t be afraid to give ourselves props when props are due.

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