Crocheting & Patience

Crocheting & Patience

I’ve learned so much about myself and about life from trying to untangle balls of yarn. When I begin a new crochet project, that’s when the tangling starts. I’m ready to dive into my new project and before I can start I have to untangle a big mess of yarn. I start pulling and it gets worse. I try to gingerly slide the yarn through and knots begin to form. I try to stay cool and relaxed, but eventually frustration kicks in and I’m crying hot Pitta tears. “Why does this always happen?” I ask myself. It’s the question that arises each time. You’d think I’d be prepared, but I never am.

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Kapha Dosha: An Explanation

Kapha Dosha: An Explanation

Kapha dosha is the dosha of structure, lubrication and immunity. Kapha comes from the Sanskrit word ka meaning “water” and pha meaning “to flourish”. Kapha controls anabolism or the building up of the body including the growth of new cells as well as the cellular repair. Kapha exhibits the qualities of heavy, slow/dull, cool (cold), oily, smooth/slimy, dense, liquid, soft, static, gross, cloudy and sticky. These qualities determine the characteristics of Kapha Dosha and a Kapha individual.

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Pitta Dosha: An Explanation

Pitta Dosha: An Explanation

Pitta dosha is the dosha of digestion, absorption and assimilation. Pitta comes from the Sanskrit word tapas meaning “to heat.” Pitta controls the digestive and endocrine systems as well as the metabolism. Pitta exhibits the qualities of slightly oily, sharp, hot, light and liquid. These qualities determine the characteristics of Pitta Dosha and a Pitta individual.

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Vata Dosha: An Explanation

Vata Dosha: An Explanation

Vata dosha is the dosha of movement. Vata comes from the Sanskrit root word meaning “to move.” Vata controls all the movement in our body and in our minds. Vata exhibits the qualities of dry, light, cold, rough, subtle, mobile and clear. These qualities determine the characteristics of Vata Dosha and a Vata individual.

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Dosha Types

Dosha Types

There are three dosha types in Ayurveda: vata, pitta and kapha. The word “dosha” doesn’t have a perfect translation; however, when most people think of what their dosha is, they are thinking of their Prakruti. In Ayurveda, Prakruti refers to your individual inherent nature or constitution that determines your physical, physiological and mental character as well as disease vulnerability. Prakruti is often referred to as your “dosha” or as your “mind/body type.”

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Ayurvedic Eating

Ayurvedic Eating

One of the questions I get a lot is: “How do you in an Ayurvedic way?” There are certain rules or credos that we follow in Ayurveda around eating. Because health begins with digestion, when we properly digest our food, we keep ourselves healthy. Learn about the do’s & don’ts of Ayurvedic eating.

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Abhyanga: Ayurvedic Massage

Abhyanga: Ayurvedic Massage

Abhyanga is a an ancient practice that is believed to predate the Vedic period. It means “loving hands” and it involves applying generous amounts of dosha-specific herbal oils. Abhyanga uses dosha appropriate oils, touch, and strokes as well as manipulation of marma points to bring equilibrium and balance to the dosha as well as the mind, body and spirit..

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Ayurveda Meditation - How To Develop a Meditation Practice

Ayurveda Meditation - How To Develop a Meditation Practice

Meditation is very beneficial for not only the mind, but also the body. In Ayurveda we call it Dhyana Chikitsa or meditation as therapy because meditation has the power to heal us in many ways and on many levels. Learn how to develop a daily meditation practice to reap the benefits of this calming and centering practice.

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History and Origin of Ayurveda

History and Origin of Ayurveda

Ayurveda is an Indian medical science that is over 5,000 years old. Some consider it to be the oldest form of medicine in the world. In fact Ayurveda is first mentioned in the great historical books of India called the Vedas which were compiled around 1200 B.C. The great Ayurvedic Physicians Charaka and Sushruta then interpreted the Ayurvedic information from the Vedas and each wrote Samhitas which are collections of medical teachings or sacred texts. These Samhitas are written as stanzas of prose and Ayurvedic Physicians still memorize and lyrically recite them.

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Types of Panchakarma Treatments in Ayurveda

Types of Panchakarma Treatments in Ayurveda

Panchakarma translates to “the five actions.” Panchakarma is the five actions used to cleanse the body of ama or toxins. It is considered the ultimate shodhana chikitsa or purification therapy. This purification therapy removes ama and mala or waste products from the body, mind and spirit. It also restores balance to the dosha.

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Ayurvedic Nutrition - Setting Up Your Ayurvedic Pantry

Ayurvedic Nutrition - Setting Up Your Ayurvedic Pantry

In an Ayurvedic household, the spice cabinet is your pharmacy. Everyday kitchen spices have numerous healing benefits to the body, mind and spirit. When people begin cooking an Ayurvedic diet and living an Ayurvedic lifestyle, one of the first things we always recommend, is setting up your Ayurvedic pantry. This allows you to have a great baseline of Ayurvedic foods and spices to cook with in your home kitchen.

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What Is My Dosha?

What Is My Dosha?

One of the most popular questions any Ayurvedic Health Counselor receives is “what is my dosha?” The word “dosha” doesn’t have a perfect translation; however, when most people think of what their dosha is, they are thinking of their Prakruti. In Ayurveda, Prakruti refers to your individual inherent nature or constitution. Your Prakruti determines your physical, physiological and mental character as well as your disease vulnerability.

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What Is Ayurveda?

What Is Ayurveda?

Ayurveda is an ancient healing system started in India over 6000 years ago. “Ayur” means life and “Veda” means knowledge, science or wisdom. Ayurveda is often referred to as “the science of life” or “the science of longevity.” It is a medical science that is used to heal the body, mind, and spirit.

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How Are Yoga and Ayurveda Related?

How Are Yoga and Ayurveda Related?

Many people ask how Yoga and Ayurveda are related. It is often said that Ayurveda and Yoga are “sister sciences” or “two sides of the same coin.” Most people think of Yoga as just the asanas or yoga poses we practice in class, but Yoga covers much more. At the heart of Yoga is Patanjali’s Ashtanga or 8 Fold Path, sometimes referred to as the 8 Limbs of Yoga. These 8 Limbs are used in both Yoga and Ayurveda to bring balance to the body, mind and spirit.

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Ayurveda & Self-Care - Marissa Mele of Five Prana on the Radical Self-Care Stories Podcast

Ayurveda & Self-Care - Marissa Mele of Five Prana on the Radical Self-Care Stories Podcast

Listen to Marissa Mele of Five Prana as she discusses the Ayurveda & Self-Care on the Radical Self-Care Stories Podcast. This episode and gives you great insight into Dinacharya, the Ayurvedic Daily Routine as well as her favorite self-care practice, Abhyanga. 

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Ayurveda & Aromatherapy - Marissa Mele of Five Prana on the Planet Prana Podcast

Ayurveda & Aromatherapy - Marissa Mele of Five Prana on the Planet Prana Podcast

Listen to Marissa Mele of Five Prana as she discusses the Ayurveda & Aromatherapy on the Planet Prana Podcast. This episode and gives you great insight into how to transition to the winter season as well as Ayurvedic Diet and Lifestyle tips for the winter season. 

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