Diet for Vata Kapha Dosha

Diet for Vata Kapha Dosha

A vata kapha dosha diet should consist of an abundance of fresh and seasonal vegetables. These vegetables should be mostly cooked since vata dosha becomes aggravated by raw vegetables and salads. Be sure to use a variety of spices in your cooking to help increase the food’s digestibility especially with seeded vegetables and fruits.

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Vata Kapha Dosha

Vata Kapha Dosha

When someone is told by an Ayurvedic professional that they are a Vata Kapha dosha, they are telling you that you have an equal or almost equal predominance of Vata and of Kapha dosha. Each one of us has all three dosha in our bodies, it is just our unique combination that differentiates us. In fact, every person is completely different and no treatment protocol would ever be the same for any two people.

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