Ayurveda Meditation - My Struggles with Developing a Meditation Practice

Ayurveda Meditation - My Struggles with Developing a Meditation Practice

Meditation while being the hardest thing for me to remain dedicated to, is the thing that has helped me grow the most. It's funny how the thing we resist the most is the thing we need the most. I know I'm not alone in this and that there are many of you out there who want to have a regular meditation practice but don't know where to begin, can't motivate yourself to stay committed to your practice or for any number of reasons. 

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Ayurveda Meditation - How To Develop a Meditation Practice

Ayurveda Meditation - How To Develop a Meditation Practice

Meditation is very beneficial for not only the mind, but also the body. In Ayurveda we call it Dhyana Chikitsa or meditation as therapy because meditation has the power to heal us in many ways and on many levels. Learn how to develop a daily meditation practice to reap the benefits of this calming and centering practice.

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Ayurvedic Nutrition - Setting Up Your Ayurvedic Pantry

Ayurvedic Nutrition - Setting Up Your Ayurvedic Pantry

In an Ayurvedic household, the spice cabinet is your pharmacy. Everyday kitchen spices have numerous healing benefits to the body, mind and spirit. When people begin cooking an Ayurvedic diet and living an Ayurvedic lifestyle, one of the first things we always recommend, is setting up your Ayurvedic pantry. This allows you to have a great baseline of Ayurvedic foods and spices to cook with in your home kitchen.

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"What Is Ayurveda" - Marissa Mele of Five Prana on the Planet Prana Podcast

"What Is Ayurveda" - Marissa Mele of Five Prana on the Planet Prana Podcast

Listen to Marissa Mele of Five Prana as she discusses "what is Ayurveda" on the Planet Prana Podcast. This episode and it is a great overview of Ayurveda for any of you who may be looking to get an introduction to Ayurveda or for those of you who have been asking the question "what is Ayurveda"?

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Ayurveda Books: Recommended Reading

Ayurveda Books: Recommended Reading

One of the most common requests I get from people, is what are the Ayurveda books that I recommend to others. Below is a list of my favorite Ayurveda books broken down as cookbooks, books for beginners,  Ayurvedic beauty and skincare book, and advanced studies books for Ayurvedic Practitioners.

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